Friday, July 20, 2007

While waiting to pick up my friend K yesterday, a nice elderly couple started a conversation with L, obviously enamoured with her five year old beauty and charm.

They asked her if she had any baby brothers or sisters at home. She looked up at me hesitantly. I encouraged her to tell her story, "you can tell them if you want to."

She turn to them and spoke clearly, "No, I don't have any babies at home. My baby sister Anabelle is in heaven."

Startled, they responded, "Is your baby an angel in heaven?"

Clearly, a more elaborate explanation was needed. Calmly, she replied, "I have a baby sister. Her name is Anabelle. She died. She's in heaven now. But she is a baby, not an angel. God has angels but Anabelle is a baby."

I think they understand now.

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